Harry Lorayne has trained all sorts of people how to improve their memories, and many corporations have hired him to give seminars on this topic. Nevertheless, if you want to become a memory specialist, and learn all you can, buying the complete course is a good bargain.

You may find a paperback or perhaps even a used copy of one of these books for a lot cheaper. If that’s the case, Harry Lorayne has created many books that can assist you with your memory. It probably won’t be useful for you to take the complete course,because your needs are less. The affordable price of just $149.95 helps make this amount of information a real bargain. Likewise included are two bonuses, The Memory Makes Millionaires CD or cassette and the How to Remember Numbers DVD. What exactly do you really receive? The program is comprised of four CDs (or cassettes) as well as a bonus DVD on Remembering Name. The fact is, for lots of people, it might be even more than you need. As you study the information, you may find your memory improving immensely. You will find so much material that is included in The Harry Lorayne Memory Power course. Not one person was even left standing upright! In order to enjoy a phenomenal memory – and who doesn’t? – you will be taught the techniques used by Harry Lorayne when you take his extraordinary course, The Harry Lorayne Memory Power course.

As soon as the show commenced, he would have everyone stand up and, as he named them correctly, they could then sit down. An example of his favorite ways of demonstrating his incredible memory was to have everybody in his audience – sometimes as many as 1,500 people – introduce themselves to him before the show. Also, he has a great reputation as a magician, whose area of expertise is card tricks. One of his timeless classics, which had been on the NY Times Bestseller list, is called “The Memory Book” and is available on Amazon and at popular bookstores. He’s been famous for his achievements in this discipline since the 1950s.
A consistent guest on numerous tv programs, he appeared with Johnny Carson on The Tonight Show twenty-three times. There is no one more experienced to teach you about memory than Harry Lorayne. The powerful procedures from his complete memory program, that are considered his most effective, are included in this course which we’ll be reviewing. Harry Lorayne is recognized as “The Yoda of Memory Training” and the majority of his books – many of which are now classics and bestsellers – were written specifically to help common people improve their memories. His foolproof techniques will help you keep your mind sharp for as long as you live, enabling you to go back to school and beat out the younger competition at work.The Harry Lorayne Memory Power course is a training course developed by one of the world’s best known memory experts. He has taught his methods to everyone from corporate CEOs and celebrities to stroke patients and school children.
Harry Lorayne is the world's foremost memory-training specialist, the author of THE MEMORY BOOK, near top of the New York Times best-seller list for almost a full year. Most important - regain the confidence that comes with having a sharp, active mind.Īgeless Memory includes a special "Mind Power" exercise after each chapter to help keep your mind in tip-top condition, sharpen your creativity, improve your concentration, and more. You'll learn how easy it is to remember names and faces, numbers of any kind, foreign or English vocabulary, long lists of items, Bible verses, even playing cards, anything you see, read or hear, and so much more. No longer will you be saying these things to yourself, you won't have to.

It was too long, so those lines are now in the Preface of the book. The original title of this book was a 3-liner. "IT IS NO LONGER NECESSARY TO ACCEPT A POOR MEMORY, OR LOSS OF MEMORY, OR 'SENIOR MOMENTS' AS AN INEVITABLE PART OF GROWING OLDER," stresses Harry Lorayne throughout this book, and he PROVES IT. AGELESS MEMORY (Simple Secrets for Keeping Your Brain Young) is specially geared to our needs as we age. And encompasses all the many ways we can use a better memory every day. Harry Lorayne has been honing and teaching his memory systems for over forty years.